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New TETRA Today US bulletin launched

时间:2014-07-15 22:49来源:Tetra Today 作者:李俊勇 点击:
Welcome to the first issue of the TETRA Today US bulletin.Following the 2012 FCC ruling that made the use of TETRA by mission-critical licences permanent, several contracts were rolled-out in 2013, across sectors including transportation an

Flag_of_the_US.jpgWelcome to the first issue of the TETRA Today US bulletin.

Following the 2012 FCC ruling that made the use of TETRA by mission-critical licences permanent, several contracts were rolled-out in 2013, across sectors including transportation and industry.

Highlighted as a ‘region to watch’ by global information company IHS, many manufacturers and suppliers have responded to the ruling by forming partnerships or entering the market directly. As a result, 2014 will, IHS believes, see more contract announcements as these partnerships mature and customers are educated further about the benefits of TETRA and its functionality.

Against this backdrop, TETRA Today has launched a new information platform. Each edition of the bi-monthly TETRA Today US bulletin will present the latest news, contracts, insights and commentary on the attitudes and outlook for TETRA in the region, including planned and actual deployments.

We hope you find the bulletin a go-to source of industry knowledge and analysis.

Please send your news, case studies, comments and any announcements to alex.preston@markallengroup.com


(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
李俊勇 查看详细资料 发送留言 加为好友 用户等级:高级会员 注册时间:1970-01-01 08:01 最后登录:2024-05-04 22:05