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Canonisation mass in Rome will use Selex ES’s TETRA network

时间:2014-05-03 00:02来源:Tetra Today 作者:豆豆 点击:
Police forces in Rome will use Selex ES, the electronics and information technology company, to provide TETRA systems during Popes John XXIII and John Paul II canonising later this month

PLa_Messa_del_Crisma-_pope.jpgolice forces in Rome will use Selex ES, the electronics and information technology company, to provide TETRA systems during Popes John XXIII and John Paul II canonising later this month.

The system, which covers the entire city, will allow operators to coordinate security management activities over the next fortnight of Easter activities. The canonisation mass on 27 April is expected to attract around one million people.

The Department of Technological Innovation of Rome asked Selex ES to develop a TETRA network which was available for joint use by the Civil Protection department and the municipality police for the event.

The network includes approximately 5,000 terminals and went into operation at the start of this year when it replaced the previous analogue systems. The police service has since used the TETRA network to manage security for events hosted by the City, which include football matches at the Stadio Olimpico.

Image: Pope Francis leaving after La Messa del Crisma. Courtesy Emiliovillegas24

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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