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Dominican Republic extends TETRA system

时间:2014-06-12 21:15来源:Tetra Today 作者:Hytera 点击:
The Dominican Republic’s Ministry of the Presidency has awarded Hytera Mobilfunk the contract to extend its Tetra radio system

The Dominican Republic’s Ministry of the Presidency has awarded Hytera Mobilfunk the contract to extend its TETRA radio system 

In 2013, Hytera provided radio communications and a secure 911 service for the Santo Domingo area. The radio system is part of a comprehensive project, which includes a 911 system, a camera surveillance system and the communications infrastructure with its respective terminals 

The TETRA radio system currently consists of six base stations, one switching unit and a comprehensive network management system. Under the new contract, four base stations will extend the system, which covers the whole National District and Santo Domingo province together with neighbouring municipalities.

Marco Martinato, VP sales of Hytera Mobilfunk Germany, stated: “The key of our success was that Hytera Mobilfunk presented the most solid technical and economical offer, carried out a trial to demonstrate the strengths and powerful features of the ACCESSNET-T TETRA system and teamed up with the local partner Avelock Dominicana.”


(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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