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Peruvian public safety

时间:2014-01-05 12:26来源:Tetra Today 作者:Hytera 点击:
The Peruvian National Police emergency call system in the Lima Metropolitan Area has been equipped with ACCESSNET-T IP, the TETRA solution from Hytera Mobilfunk, and Hytera terminals

The Peruvian National Police emergency call system in the Lima Metropolitan Area has been equipped with ACCESSNET-T IP, the TETRA solution from Hytera Mobilfunk, and Hytera terminals.

Acting as a general contractor, Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH installed Peru's first TETRA radio system in 2012 and 2013. In late June 2013, the Interior Minister of Peru, Wilfredo Pedraza Sierra, launched the TETRA system for emergency communication. Since then, the Hytera radio system has become a part of the Emergency System 105 and now ensures communication for the emergency services.

The TETRA radio system, ACCESSNET-T IP, facilitates the voice and data transmission of the emergency services in the Emergency System 105.

The first 300 Hytera PT580H portable radios and 100 Hytera MT680 vehicle radios are now being used by the police. Supply to the emergency services will be increased at a later time to 3,459 PT580H handheld radios, 560 MT680 vehicle radios and 300 Hytera MT680B fixed radios. The emergency services in Lima are very well equipped, particularly with their Smart Patrol vehicles, which are equipped with cameras, dispatchers, AVL and the latest TETRA applications.

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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