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Belgian network launches 3G public safety data service

时间:2013-09-16 21:35来源:Tetra Today 作者:豆豆 点击:
Astrid, the Belgian TETRA network operator, is launching a broadband data service called Blue Light Mobile, tuned to the needs of the public safety and security services.

Astrid, the Belgian TETRA network operator, is launching a broadband data service called Blue Light Mobile, tuned to the needs of the public safety and security services.

The company will take on the role of Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) by offering 3G services via third-party networks beginning in early 2014.

Using an Astrid SIM card the various public safety and security services will be able to access databases safely, systematically and quickly, as well as send and exchange documents, emails, photos, videos via all existing 3G (and, in the future, 4G) GSM networks in Belgium. 

Whilst Astrid SIM cards have a ‘preferred’ network, they will automatically switch to another 3G network the moment that coverage is lost. 

The company has insisted that communications from public safety and security services must always be given a high priority on the network. Astrid also guarantees security and offers support 24/7 via the Astrid service centre. 

Marc De Buyser, chief executive of Astrid, commented: “This unique service means that, as with voice communications, Astrid can bring the various public safety and security services together within one shared platform, thereby irrefutably improving the exchange of information within and between these disciplines.”  

Astrid has chosen to work with three specialist partners on the project: Halys will develop, supply and manage the Astrid SIM cards; Belgacom will be responsible for the roaming hub, data travel and resources for management and telecom integration with Astrid; and Astrium will supply equipment for the management and control of all crucial functions of the service management.


(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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