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Thales to upgrade Lyon's public transportation network

时间:2014-06-12 21:15来源:Tetra Today 作者:Thales 点击:
SYTRAL, France’s second largest urban public transportation network has selected Thales to modernise its existing radio infrastructure for the network and upgrading the fleet management and passenger information systems on buses

SYTRAL, France’s second largest urban public transportation network has selected thalesgroup.com">Thales to modernise its existing radio infrastructure for the network and upgrading the fleet management and passenger information systems on buses.

Internal communications across the network are largely based on the existing TETRA digital radio system. This system needs to be upgraded to provide network agents, drivers and other users with new functionalities, such as data exchange (task transfers and database checks etc.).

SYSOCO, one of France's leading providers and integrators of professional radiocommunication networks, is responsible for the design, installation and commissioning of a Digim@x TETRA infrastructure, incorporating TETRA Over IP technology developed by Thales. This open-ended infrastructure will allow new services, including multi-organisation, geolocation and other operational applications, to be integrated in the future. The chosen solution also offers high levels of network resilience and availability as well as simple and intuitive management.

In addition, the progressive upgrade of these communication systems will improve radio coverage in indoor areas, such as bus depots, metro stations and metro and tram maintenance workshops. 

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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