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Potomac spectrum partners with Powertrunk

时间:2014-01-05 12:26来源:Tetra Today 作者:Teltronic 点击:
Potomac Spectrum Partners, LLC, (PSP) headquartered in southern Oregon, is partnering with PowerTrunk (PT), a subsidiary of Teltronic S.A.U. headquartered in Zaragoza, Spain, to promote a regulatory and governmental environment which will m

Potomac Spectrum Partners, LLC, (PSP) headquartered in southern Oregon, is partnering with PowerTrunk (PT), a subsidiary of Teltronic S.A.U. headquartered in Zaragoza, Spain, to promote a regulatory and governmental environment which will make TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) more readily available and usable by American and Canadian Public Safety users, as well as for commercial and governmental use.  PSP further intends to directly deploy TETRA systems in concert with, and with the support of PowerTrunk.

Part of the mission of the PSP/PT partnership is to educate those who have no real knowledge of TETRA.  PSP/PT believes that once potential users understand TETRA, they will be in a position to effect real change in the market place.

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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