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  • [News] TETRA takes the taxi, incognito 日期:2013-03-05 22:23:52 点击:1071 好评:0

    Abutaxi, a taxi association in the city of Burgos, Spain, has a new TETRA radiocommunications system, one of the first TETRA applications in this type of business....

  • [News] TETRA goes to sea for the Olympics 日期:2013-03-05 22:23:42 点击:1562 好评:0

    Airwave, which has built a dedicated TETRA mobile radio network to support the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, has completed the first land-to-sea testing of the system off the south coast of England....

  • [News] An essential investment 日期:2013-03-05 22:23:30 点击:1904 好评:0

    Norway’s TETRA public safety network may be one of the last large ones to be built in western Europe, but it has some unique features. Richard Lambley reports from Oslo...

  • [News] Scoring at the Universiade 日期:2013-03-05 22:23:17 点击:1675 好评:0

    For yet another major international sporting event in China, a large TETRA network by Cassidian has provided secure communications support....

  • [News] New users in the Canary Islands 日期:2013-03-05 22:23:00 点击:1953 好评:0

    In collaboration with a partner company in the Canary Islands, Técnicas Competitivas, Teltronic recently provided an additional batch of digital radios for use on the islands’ government-run TETRA network....

  • [News] Another large piece in Germany’s TETRA jigsaw 日期:2013-03-05 22:22:27 点击:1689 好评:0

    As part of the roll-out of Germany’s TETRA-based national public safety network in the state of Hessen, Motorola Solutions has submitted the winning tender to supply TETRA digital radios to the security authorities and organizations (Beh?r...

  • [News] Flying with Airwave 日期:2013-03-05 22:22:08 点击:1175 好评:0

    Airborne Tetra equipment to be used in support of three cycle races has been included by Airwave in tests of the communications network which will be used during next year’s Olympic Games....

  • [News] Talk of the track 日期:2013-03-05 22:21:55 点击:1844 好评:0

    Higher running speeds, increasing traffic and ever more demanding passengers have been driving a revolution in railway communications. Tim Guest reports...

  • [News] Duplexers and cavity filters 日期:2013-03-05 22:21:38 点击:1219 好评:0

    The 84000/85000 series of duplexers and cavity filters from Eleading Technologies covers TETRA bands between 300?MHz and 470?MHz....

  • [News] Multifunctional remote speaker-microphone 日期:2013-03-05 22:21:24 点击:1174 好评:0

    Also from CeoTronics is this universal remote unit for two-way radios, which includes ports for additional audio accessories as well as an internal speaker-microphone....
