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Duesseldorf Airport equipped with digital radio system

时间:2014-01-05 12:27来源:Tetra Today 作者:Cassidian 点击:
Cassidian has set up a high-performance TETRA TB3 base station at Duesseldorf Airport in cooperation with the airport’s IT service provider, SITA Airport IT GmbH

Cassidian has set up a high-performance cassidian.com/web/guest/tetra-tb3-base-station6">TETRA TB3 base station at Duesseldorf Airport in cooperation with the airport’s IT service provider, SITA Airport IT GmbH. The base station enables the authorities’ nationwide digital network to be fed directly into the airport’s indoor radio system.

The new digital radio system supplements the existing analogue system available in Duesseldorf Airport’s buildings, and is fully integrated into the terrestrial BOS digital radio network (BOSNet). Thus, where necessary, communication between all task forces inside and outside the airport is ensured.

The base station which was set up could be directly integrated into the BOSNet thanks to an administration agreement for network connection being concluded between Duesseldorf Airport and the German Federal Agency for Digital Radio of Security Authorities and Organisations (BDBOS).

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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