前言 笔者在坛子里潜水多年,看到了很多令人叫绝的优秀文章,尤其是那些描述个人工作经验的帖子,让我受益匪浅。作为一个工作近十年的通信人,我也想把我工作中总结出来的一些东西分享给各位朋友,但苦于没有什么思路,也担心自己这不入流的文笔会被拍砖致死
模拟对讲经过几十年的发展,已经越来越不能满足现代通信新的需求。数字对讲将逐渐成为对讲行业的主流。 原计划2015年低全面禁止使用模拟对讲的预期未能实现,鉴于目前实际现状,模拟对讲寿命又延长两年,到2017年低才能真正结束。但这并不能阻止数字对讲前进
1. 招标条件 河南省伟信招标管理咨询有限公司受河南省消防总队的委托,就河南省消防总队 GOTA数字集群对讲机采购项目进行公开招标,欢迎符合资格要求的投标人参加投标。 2. 招标项目概况 ( 1)项目名称:河南省消防总队 GOTA数字集群对讲机采购项目 ( 2)
中兴通讯集群产品线方案总监、中兴高达公检法司行业总监吕其恒先生在 《中国专网通信宽窄带融合技术研讨会》上做公安无线专网窄宽融合方案演讲。下面是吕总监演讲的纲要内容: 公安无线通信的发展方向是专网化、宽带化、融合化。在公安无线专网的建设中,将P
近日,第11界东盟博览会在广西南宁举行,此次大会是中国与东盟打造钻石十年的开局之年举办的一次高规格盛会,东盟各国部长级领导人出席开幕大会。中兴通讯提供先进的4G无线宽带多媒体集群系统,为盛会期间的安全保驾护航。 高规格的盛会,需要高规格的安保措
LTE 以其高速率、大带宽、高频谱效率、低时延等诸多技术优势,在传统的运营商市场之外,找到了更广阔的天地,大交通行业就是其中的一个。 高铁信号差将成历史 高铁上手机信号很差,很多乘客都深有体会,从技术的角度讲,高铁列车上手机通话断断续续,信号不
GoTa terminals are trunked radio terminals, independently developed by ZTE, that enable abundant and professional trunked radio services. Since 2003, ZTE has developed several generations of GoTa terminals, which are applied to various fie
Overview Typically, a mobile telecommunication network is classified either as a Public Access Mobile Radio (PAMR) network or a Private Mobile Radio (PMR) network. The private communication system, also called the trunking system, fulfills
GoTa terminals are trunking radio terminals developed by ZTE that enable rich and practical trunking services. Since 2003, ZTE has developed several generations of GoTa terminals, which are applied to various fields in radio trunking commu
Senegal is a democratic republic on the western-most coast of Africa. The country covers an area of 196,772 square kilometers and has a population of 13.71 million. As a densely-populated country, Senegal is committed to driving forward ec
Features Professional structural design The product adopts professional appearance design. The emergency key, knob, and PTT key enable quick operation. The product provides IP54 protection and meets military reliability requirements for pr
Features Well-Designed, Easy to Use Reasonable design is convenient for daily use and will promote communication efficiency. GH800 fully reflects every detail of this purpose. Based on Android platform, together with carefully tailored UI,
Features Delicate appearance and high portability Enriched trunking functions: The product provides trunking intercom functions, including the individual call, group call, broadcast call, emergency call, call to the dispatch console, PTT
Features Professional appearance design and IP54 protection: The product adopts professional appearance design. The spacing between keys meets customer requirements, reducing the possibility of mis-pressing with gloves on. The emergency k
Features Professional appearance design and IP54 protection The product adopts professional structural design, and the PPT key makes you feel comfortable with operation. The product provides IP54 protection and meets military reliability r
1. A ZXTS eTC 1000 、 ZXTS eTC 500 As a control node of voice, data, and trunking services, the CN device ZXTS eTC 1000 provides a wide spectrum of multimedia services by leveraging LTE bandwidth, helping large enterprises and operators bu
Product highlights High integration CSC9020 is based on a 5U ATCA subrack or a dedicated server. One physical node integrates multiple network elements (NEs) such as BSC, DSS, MSS, SMS, and PDSS to help enterprises and small telecom operat
1. BBUs : B8200 、 B8300 As multi-mode compact BBUs, B8200 and B8300 mainly provide S1/T1/X2 interfaces, clock synchronization interfaces, and RRU digital baseband interfaces and implement exchange of internal services and communication d
1. Indoor Macro Base Station BS8800 ZTE ZXSDR BS8800 is a macro base station based on ZTE soft base station platform. It performs functions such as baseband modulation and demodulation, RF signal transmission and demodulation, wireless res