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Entropia Digital signs radio agreement with Hytera

时间:2014-01-05 12:23来源:Tetra Today 作者:Hytera 点击:
Entropia Digital, a leading TETRA service provider in Belgium and The Netherlands has purchased 15,000 TETRA radio’s from Hytera

Entropia Digital, a leading TETRA service provider in Belgium and The Netherlands has purchased 15,000 TETRA radio’s from Hytera. The radios will be offered on the Entropia network, based on a managed service model. At the beginning of October, Entropia Digital shook the two-way radio market by announcing, via Twitter, its intent to acquire 15,000 radios.

Two service models are offered:

25 Euro per month: local TETRA network service, (ie. industrial plant, harbour Quay, Hospital, eTC), mobile or portable radio with battery, charger, stubby antenna, maintenance, including swap warranty.

35 Euro per month: wide-area TETRA network coverage In Flanders and The Netherlands, mobile or portable radio with battery, charger, stubby antenna, maintenance, including swap warranty.

The first batch of 1,000 radios will be supplied before Christmas. From the end of June 2014, Entropia will offer more than 60,000 km2 TETRA network coverage in Flanders and The Netherlands.


(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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