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  • [News] Toronto gets TETRA system 日期:2013-11-21 22:41:49 点击:778 好评:2

    Sepura has delivered a TETRA trunked radio system to Toronto Transit Commission (“TTC”)...

  • [News] TETRA joins 3GPP 日期:2013-11-21 22:41:39 点击:813 好评:4

    The TETRA and Critical Communications Association has become the latest Market Representation Partner within 3GPP, the organisation responsible for the development of mobile wireless standards...

  • [News] Cassidian supports Asian Youth Games 日期:2013-11-21 22:41:28 点击:133 好评:2

    Cassidian’s TETRA communications network has successfully supported the Chinese authorities with stable, reliable and efficient communication services during the entire 2nd Asian Youth Games in Nanjing...

  • [News] 24 Hours of Le Mans chooses TETRA 日期:2013-11-21 22:41:18 点击:1982 好评:0

    Flash services has installed TETRA technology for the radio communications system for legendary endurance race, the 24 Hours of Le Mans...

  • [News] TETRA Awards entries now open 日期:2013-11-21 22:41:08 点击:262 好评:0

    TETRA Today is delighted to announce the 2014 International TETRA Awards will take place next February. The awards, a collaboration between the TCCA and TETRA Today, have been designed to recognize excellence in the field of TETRA radio com...

  • [News] Norfolk Constabulary switches to Sepura 日期:2013-11-21 22:40:58 点击:1357 好评:2

    Sepura has been awarded the contract to supply TETRA mobile radios for Norfolk Constabulary’s entire vehicle fleet...

  • [News] Highways Agency to introduce data services 日期:2013-11-21 22:40:48 点击:1104 好评:0

    National TETRA operator Airwave has been working with the UK’s Highways Agency to implement a programme that makes greater use of the capabilities associated with the TETRA radio terminals used by the organization...

  • [News] N?dnett gets upgrade 日期:2013-11-21 22:40:37 点击:92 好评:2

    The core network system of N?dnett (the Norwegian Public Safety Network) has been upgraded to the latest version...

  • [News] New report looks to the future for FRSs 日期:2013-11-21 22:39:47 点击:1948 好评:2

    A new report from the Chief Fire Officers’ Association (CFOA) identifies the challenges Fire & Rescues Services (FRSs) face ahead of meeting budgetary efficiencies and the changing landscape of critical communications...

  • [News] Dominican Republic to Implement TETRA System 日期:2013-11-21 22:39:36 点击:1148 好评:2

    Dominican Republic has awarded Hytera a radio communications contract to implement a TETRA radio communications system and a secure 911 service for the Santo Domingo area...
