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Norfolk Constabulary switches to Sepura

时间:2013-11-21 22:40来源:Tetra Today 作者:Sepura 点击:
Sepura has been awarded the contract to supply TETRA mobile radios for Norfolk Constabulary’s entire vehicle fleet

Sepura has been awarded the contract to supply TETRA mobile radios for Norfolk Constabulary’s entire vehicle fleet. This is the latest of several UK police forces to take the decision to switch to Sepura. The Norfolk contract comprises 280 Sepura SRG3900 mobile radios, along with related accessories selected from Sepura’s range of ancillaries.

The SRG was selected by the constabulary for a number of reasons, with its capability to operate in gateway mode being one of the most critical. This allows the SRG to effectively extend network coverage, into a building or an area with difficult terrain, for example.

It boosts officer safety by enabling officers to stay connected, even in challenging coverage areas and in a rural county such as Norfolk, this was an important consideration. Other key features were the intuitiveness of the new user interface on the SRG3900, as well as the ability to switch easily between day and night modes, which delivers effective single button control to the officers using the radio in varying ambient lighting.

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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