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Highways Agency to introduce data services

时间:2013-11-21 22:40来源:Tetra Today 作者:豆豆 点击:
National TETRA operator Airwave has been working with the UK’s Highways Agency to implement a programme that makes greater use of the capabilities associated with the TETRA radio terminals used by the organization

National TETRA operator Airwave has been working with the UK’s Highways Agency to implement a programme that makes greater use of the capabilities associated with the TETRA radio terminals used by the organization. After examining and analyzing voice traffic, the Highways Agency have replaced a number of the voice messages previously used with data transmissions that carry the same message – a more effective, accurate and economical method of communications.

According to Al Edwards, Highways Agency Traffic Technology: “Traffic officers traditionally generate a large volume of voice traffic. We have used the Airwave Network since 2004 – it is an integral part of our communications. By scrutinising the information relating to voice messages, we can now focus on making efficient and economical use of the features and functionality available to users.”

One of the key innovations is the introduction of non-urgent messages sent via the short data service in much the same way as a text message is passed to a mobile phone. “These messages relate to basic information about routine incidents to which patrols are deployed, and have proven invaluable in saving time and improving the information flow between the control room and on-road resources,” adds Edwards.

The Highways Agency will also gradually replace spoken updates on a patrol’s status (such as ‘on patrol’ and ‘arrived at scene’) with a ‘status code’ message delivered by data. “This is enhanced by enabling the message to be sent by holding down the relevant key on either the hand-held or vehicle radio terminal. We have already realized the benefits and much welcomed by on-road and control room personnel,” commented Edwards.

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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