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  • [News] Metro system upgrade 日期:2013-03-05 22:33:05 点击:1142 好评:2

    In the Basque country of northern Spain, TETRA operator Itelazpi is extending its network to serve the Metro system of the city of Bilbao, replacing an existing TETRA infrastructure there....

  • [News] Metro TETRA in Latin America 日期:2013-03-05 22:32:57 点击:1148 好评:0

    New metro lines in the Dominican Republic and Panama are to be equipped with DigiMax TETRA infrastructure from Thales....

  • [News] Data radio update adds vehicle tracking to Stockholm’s tram 日期:2013-03-05 22:32:47 点击:1986 好评:0

    Stockholm’s city transport authority has ordered 1000 new TETRA radios from Sepura to update voice and data communications within its tram and light rail operations....

  • [News] Gold Coast Suns kick off with digital 日期:2013-03-05 22:32:37 点击:1210 好评:0

    Launching a completely new professional sports team can be costly – but it is also an opportunity to ensure that the team is equipped with the very latest technology in all spheres....

  • [News] Offering guaranteed TEDS interoperability 日期:2013-03-05 22:32:27 点击:1227 好评:0

    With a certificate awarded in June by the TETRA Association’s official test house, Motorola Solutions has become the first interoperability-certified supplier of TEDS-enabled (TETRA Enhanced Data Services) equipment....

  • [News] TETRA World Congress: TETRA community celebrates milestones 日期:2013-03-05 22:32:16 点击:1207 好评:0

    This year’s TETRA World Congress, staged in Budapest, provided visitors with an opportunity to catch up with the latest developments in technology and applications...

  • [News] TETRA World Congress: From zero to TETRA in just 30 minutes 日期:2013-03-05 22:31:55 点击:1899 好评:0

    In a sideshow presented on the Damm stand, engineers from the company showed how a TETRA base station can be installed and commissioned in 30 minutes, using their lightweight two-box radio package....

  • [News] TETRA World Congress: Connecting differing radio networks ac 日期:2013-03-05 22:31:45 点击:1733 好评:0

    Having four official languages, plus a fifth on its coins and postage stamps, Switzerland is the country to go to for interpreters and translation – and on the Siemens stand at TWC, the company’s Swiss engineering team was presenting its ...

  • [News] TETRA World Congress: Dual-mode TETRA/GPRS messager – with 日期:2013-03-05 22:31:35 点击:1490 好评:0

    Maintaining a focus on messaging is the French company TPL Systèmes, which has built on its experience in Tetrapol/Pocsag pagers for France’s emergency services to create a brand-new TETRA version of its Birdy pager....

  • [News] TETRA World Congress: Pocket messenger for new TETRA users 日期:2013-03-05 22:31:24 点击:1688 好评:0

    Irish system integrator Sigma Wireless was at the World Congress to launch its first TETRA product – the Comalerter, a two-way pocket messenger device....
