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Formal ESN tenders announced(2)

时间:2014-07-15 22:52来源:Tetra Today 作者:张思怡 点击:
National Police Air Service Over 400 government and local public safety and other bodies use the current system and will potentially require the ability to use ESN. This may add up to approximately 5
  • National Police Air Service
  • Over 400 government and local public safety and other bodies use the current system and will potentially require the ability to use ESN.  This may add up to approximately 50,000 additional connected devices. This could include the central government departments, non-departmental public bodies and agencies, local authorities in Great Britain and a number of charitable bodies and other organisations that interact with public safety bodies.

    Damian Green, minister of state for policing, criminal justice and victims, says: “Interest in providing the new emergency services network and its supporting elements has been strong with 34 organisations completing in-depth pre qualification questionnaires. After rigorous evaluation by the Home Office and representatives of the emergency services we are now inviting those organisations we consider to be best suited to tender formally for the work.

    “We remain on track to deliver this key part of our critical national infrastructure by the end of 2016 and today marks another step towards the emergency services having the modern communications network they need to protect the public and save lives.”

    (中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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