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Trials of LTEetra Node to take place in 2013

时间:2014-01-05 12:24来源:Tetra Today 作者:Alcatel-Lucent 点击:
Rohill has announced that the first two LTEtraNode pilots with international operators will take place later this year

Rohill has announced that the first two LTEtraNode pilots with international operators will take place later this year. The pilots will be based upon public LTE which will be integrated with TETRA. One pilot will be hosted in Europe where the other one will be located outside.

Rohill has successfully integrated TETRA with LTE from Huawei and Alcatel-Lucent and is working on integration with two further LTE platform suppliers. Besides integration with public LTE, Rohill is also working on private LTE solutions subject to availability of frequency spectrum.

The LTE/TETRA solution enables the mission critical end user to access the same data capacity and capabilities that already have been successfully introduced for public networks. This feature, together with equipment that meets the mission critical requirements in relation to the availability, reliability and encryption, makes it an interesting solution for customers. The LTEtraNode solution and future developments will not only aim for the public safety market but for other areas of the enterprise market such as transportation, utilities and energy.

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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