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Austrian roads paved with TETRA

时间:2014-01-05 12:24来源:Tetra Today 作者:Sepura 点击:
ASFINAG, the Austrian state-owned company that builds, operates and maintains all motorways in Austria, has selected Sepura to provide TETRA communications across its nationwide motorway and expressway network

Sepurua.jpgASFINAG, the Austrian state-owned company that builds, operates and maintains all motorways in Austria, has selected Sepura to provide TETRA communications across its nationwide motorway and expressway network. The deployment of 1,400 Sepura radios started in the beginning of 2013 and will be rolled out over three years.

After a competitive selection process, ASFINAG chose Sepura TETRA radios as its technology of choice for coping with these challenges.

ASFINAG will be using 1,200 SRG3900 radios, 200 STP8000 radios and a range of accessories designed to extend coverage and ensure ease of use for the company's operatives. The radios not only deliver excellent audio regardless of ambient noise, reliable communications in the harshest weather conditions and seamless connections in tunnels, but are also built for the heavy wear and tear they will be subject to out on the highway.

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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