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  • [News] CGC and Doha Bus Company sign TETRA contract 日期:2014-01-05 12:24:04 点击:158 好评:2

    Consolidated Gulf Company (CGC), a leading integrated technology solution provider in Qatar, has signed a contract with Doha Bus Company to provide TETRA wireless radio sets for enhanced group communications...

  • [News] Porsche enjoys TETRA protection 日期:2014-01-05 12:23:53 点击:1386 好评:0

    Together with partner COMTECHNIK FUNK GmbH, Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH has won the invitation to tender for the contract to equip the Porsche factory in Leipzig with TETRA digital radio equipment...

  • [News] Norwegian police activate ICCS 日期:2014-01-05 12:23:43 点击:876 好评:2

    The new Integrated Command and Control System (ICCS) in the Trondheim control room of the S?r-Tr?ndelag police district, which is based on the Frequentis N?dnett ICCS 3020 V3.0 solution, has gone live...

  • [News] Airwave supports helicopter service 日期:2014-01-05 12:23:31 点击:799 好评:2

    A joint collaboration between British Transport Police (BTP) and Network Rail has resulted in the successful implementation of the Airwave Service into two service helicopters...

  • [News] Entropia Digital signs radio agreement with Hytera 日期:2014-01-05 12:23:21 点击:770 好评:4

    Entropia Digital, a leading TETRA service provider in Belgium and The Netherlands has purchased 15,000 TETRA radio’s from Hytera...

  • [News] CES 2014 Forum für mobile Innovationen 日期:2013-12-27 12:45:35 点击:1874 好评:2

    Teilnehmer sind ATT Senior Executive Vice President John Donovan, Ericsson President und CEO Hans Vestberg, Qualcomm Chairman und CEO Paul Jacobs (PresseBox) ( Arlington, VA 22201-3834 , 18.12.2013 ) Die International CES 2014, die weltwei...

  • [News] 2014 International CES 日期:2013-12-27 12:42:34 点击:2050 好评:0

    December 16, 2013 02:51 PM Eastern Standard Time 2014 International CES ARLINGTON, Va.--( BUSINESS WIRE )--The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) today announced that executives from mobile industry leaders ATT, Ericsson and Qualcomm I...

  • [News] Prepare for the Sprint/T-Mobile Merger Lies 日期:2013-12-27 12:40:26 点击:1975 好评:4

    IfSprint aims to buy T-Mobile, prepare for the lies. Sprint and T-Mobile are pretty upstanding companies, right now. I know both of their PR teams well, and theyre good people. But when merger mania strikes a carrier, strange things start...

  • [News] Law enforcement favors LMR 日期:2013-11-21 22:42:10 点击:725 好评:2

    For the first time, a new study into the groups entrusted with ensuring public safety has found that law-enforcement members are the largest users of Licensed Mobile Radio (LMR) systems, according to a new report from IMS Research...

  • [News] Sepura receives University Games endorsement 日期:2013-11-21 22:41:59 点击:1549 好评:2

    Sepura enabled seamless communications at the 27th Universiade, also known as World University Games, which took place in Kazan, capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia from 6 to 17 July 2013...
