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  • [News] Sepura appoints new senior vice president for sales and mark 日期:2013-07-20 09:53:47 点击:894 好评:4

    Sepura has announced that Guy-Franck Nakach has joined as senior vice president – sales and marketing....

  • [News] Jubilee celebrations showcase interoperability 日期:2013-07-19 23:52:58 点击:820 好评:0

    An unprecedented number of public safety organisations used the UK's Airwave service during the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations setting a new record for the number of users communicating on the same platform in one location....

  • [News] Police train for games 日期:2013-07-19 23:51:37 点击:1976 好评:2

    As the Olympic Torch arrived in the UK, beginning the final countdown to start of the 2012 Olympic Games, the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) launched a further set of online Olympic training packages to police forces across the...

  • [News] Officers sharpen radio skills with e-learning 日期:2013-07-19 23:51:18 点击:1754 好评:2

    Airwave, provider of critical voice and data communications to public service organizations in Great Britain, has identified large potential savings for user bodies from an e-learning package which it trialled last year with Devon & Cor...

  • [News] North America TETRA Forum begins its work 日期:2013-07-19 23:47:23 点击:1138 好评:0

    The formation of the North America TETRA Forum (NATF) was announced at the International Wireless Communications Expo in Las Vegas in February. It aims to open up considerable potential for the growing adoption of TETRA as a multi-vendor di...

  • [News] Sea rescue force’s inter-system interface 日期:2013-07-19 23:44:42 点击:987 好评:0

    ?A UK rescue organization, the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), recently called out public safety network operator Airwave to help in addressing a radio communications problem that has plagued one of its lifeboat stations in Scot...

  • [News] To the rescue in Sweden 日期:2013-07-19 23:38:42 点击:616 好评:4

    Newest users of Sweden’s nationwide TETRA network, Rakel, is the Swedish Lifeboat Institute (Sj?r?ddningss?llskapet)....

  • [News] Thales Installs TETRA Network on Line 2 of Santo Domingo Met 日期:2013-07-19 22:31:13 点击:2384 好评:4

    Thales announced the entry of the TETRA network into operational service on Line 2 of the Santo Domingo Metro, inaugurated on 1 April 2013 at a ceremony attended by Danilo Medina, President of the Dominican Republic. Fourteen stations are...

  • [News] Danish Health Authority Selects Motorola’s Image Management 日期:2013-07-19 22:30:11 点击:1801 好评:4

    Motorola Solutions announced the first contract win of its TETRA image management solution for the Danish Authority in Zealand, including the MTP6750, the first TETRA radio with an integrated five-megapixel camera and the Photograph and In...

  • [News] Jordan Airport Deploys Zinwave DAS for TETRA System 日期:2013-07-19 22:29:09 点击:1864 好评:2

    Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA) in Jordan is deploying SITA interfaces across all IT and telecommunications services. SITA selected Zinwaves distributed antenna system (DAS) for TETRA coverage in all areas within the airport, inclu...
