


Mapbox GL JS 0.47.0 发布,高性能 WEB GIS 开发框架

时间:2018-07-27 来源:中国集群通信网 作者:网络 点击:

Mapbox GL JS 0.47.0 发布了,Mapbox GL JS 是一个 JavaScript 库,使用 WebGL 渲染交互式矢量瓦片地图和栅格瓦片地图。WebGL 渲染意味着高性能,MapboxGL 能够渲染大量的地图要素,拥有流畅的交互以及动画效果、可以显示立体地图并且支持移动端,是一款十分优秀的 WEB GIS(地理信息系统) 开发框架。


Features and improvements

  • Add configurable drag pan threshold (#6809) (h/t msbarry)

  • Add raster-resampling raster paint property (#6411) (h/t andrewharvey)

  • Add symbol-placement: line-center (#6821)

  • Add methods for inspecting GeoJSON clusters (#3318, fixed by #6829)

  • Add warning to geolocate control when unsupported (#6923) (h/t aendrew)

  • Upgrade geojson-vt to 3.1.4 (#6942)

  • Include link to license in compiled bundle (#6975)

Bug fixes

  • Use updateData instead of re-creating buffers for repopulated paint arrays (#6853)

  • Fix ScrollZoom handler setting tr.zoom = NaN (#6924)

    • Failed to invert matrix error (#6486, fixed by #6924)

    • Fixing matrix errors (#6782, fixed by #6924)

  • Fix heatmap tile clipping when layers are ordered above it (#6806, fixed by #6807)

  • Fix video source in safari (macOS and iOS) (#6443, fixed by #6811)

  • Do not reload errored tiles (#6813)

  • Fix send / remove timing bug in Dispatcher (#6756, fixed by #6826)

  • Fix flyTo not zooming to exact given zoom (#6828)

  • Don't stop animation on map resize (#6636)

  • Fix map.getBounds() with rotated map (#6875) (h/t zoltan-mihalyi)

  • Support collators in feature filter expressions. (#6929)

  • Fix Webpack production mode compatibility (#6981)



  •  Source code (zip)

  •  Source code (tar.gz)


(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:李俊勇)


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