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The future of critical communications(3)

时间:2013-03-06 20:48来源:www.pttcn.net 作者:admin 点击:
But already today you can do a lot with critical communication, including data. We have surveillance, we have image-sharing, process control, Scada, positioning, sensoring all taking place over TETRA

But already today you can do a lot with critical communication, including data. We have surveillance, we have image-sharing, process control, Scada, positioning, sensoring – all taking place over TETRA. I give you an example: a truck has unfortunately blown up. It might carry a very dangerous, toxic substance. It might be causing a serious threat to the surrounding population. So we label each chemical cargo with a code – but not many human beings are able to remember every code. So let’s check that code: we have Java, we have WAP available in TETRA in a multi-vendor, interoperable way. A couple of finger-taps and you have the answer to what it is, and you know how to react.

Breaching boundaries

So the future is here today. You can start living the information-centric way of working today. It’s not limited by the technology or by the spectrum, or by the environment – but it may be limited by us human beings in knowing how to use it and take it into operation.

Voice and data have become information. The technology enables, and it’s up to you and me to define what result we get out of it. It’s a way-of-working question defined by human beings – it’s not a technology question. This decade is really the decade for developing the information-centric models which are to drive the benefits.

Let’s try to distance ourselves a little from our natural way of thinking of hierarchies, the natural way that society was when we were born and went to school, and try to ask our children what they do. Look at them and see beyond our own boundary – because this is the first day of the future.

Shadows of tomorrow

I feel that we are in a situation like entering an aeroplane hangar with a torch”, says Tero Pesonen. “You know that it’s big, and you know that there is something, but you can only see as far as your torch shows. What we can do today is to look around us to see who has the strongest torch. For me, that would be the children.

“When I look at my children, their concept of thinking is different. My younger son is six. When he sees a new gadget, he starts touching the screen, and then he says it doesn’t work – because he assumes it’s a touchscreen. And I tell him, ‘This is not a touchscreen’, and he asks, ‘Why not?’ That’s the world that he is in, as a six-year-old. 

“Every time we take a step, the light of the torch shows a little bit further. So we need to be very open. I really believe that we are at the edge of the next revolution. I don’t know what it is, but I’m convinced that, in 10 years time, it’s going to be amazing.

“And in public safety communication, critical communication, TETRA is going to be part of it.”

  • Tero Pesonen is a board member of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association. This article is adapted from a presentation he gave on behalf of the TCCA at PMRExpo in Germany in November 2012. More information: www.tandcca.com


(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)