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时间:2013-03-05 22:33来源:www.pttcn.net 作者:admin 点击:
Making bridges And the final thing we did was, every night at five oclock, we opened up a conference bridge so that customers could immediately get in contact with us, in the event that they felt tha

Making bridges

And the final thing we did was, every night at five o’clock, we opened up a conference bridge so that customers could immediately get in contact with us, in the event that they felt that they needed our assistance or they had any intelligence to pass to us. The conference bridge: we were on it, all our customers are on it, the key agencies – the Department of Health, Department of Communities and Local Government – all have got immediate access to us so that they can raise any issues.

Typically our customers have been very happy with what we provided. They’ve made good comments about the level of support, our level of proactiveness and the fact that we just got on and threw the resource in. It’s quite pleasing to see that we can have major unplanned event like this and no issues reported by our customers, just thanks.

Lessons learned

I think you learn every time from something like this. Our lessons-learned process is under way. We’ve circulated documents out to our customers to get their feedback on things that we might have done differently, and we are also going to be sharing with them some suggestions on things that they might have done differently.

It’s a bit early for me to comment – but  one of the things that we might have done differently, I guess, is more active management. We aggressively managed talk group usage, but I think there’s something to be done about customer education so that they understand the impact (sorry to keep repeating the example!) of Manchester policemen listening to a Manchester talk group in London.

So we’ve learned a couple of things and we are going around doing the activity at the moment so that we pick up all the lessons from it.

  • On the Airwave network, it was soon back to business as usual everywhere. But Mr Benké added that Airwave was continuing to offer the Metropolitan Police an enhanced level of support in preparation for the coming Notting Hill Carnival weekend in West London. This annual event is Europe’s largest multicultural street festival.

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)