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Celab Communications sign agreement with Sweden's largest nu

时间:2014-05-03 00:03来源:Tetra Today 作者:小甜甜 点击:
Celab Communications AB has signed an agreement with Ringhals, Sweden's largest nuclear power plant, to update its current analogue systems to improve the safety and efficiency of the plant

celab.jpgCelab Communications AB has signed an agreement with Ringhals, Sweden's largest nuclear power plant, to update its current analogue systems to improve the safety and efficiency of the plant.

The scheme will use a TETRA-based multi-site solution with full redundancy. The system will be built around a Motorola Solutions infrastructure and will include operator stations with customised software.

The system's first phase, an outdoor network, is scheduled to be completed in later this year. The whole project will be completed during 2015. Celab's communications is now responsible for the communication of all Sweden's nuclear power plants

“It will likely become an exciting project with respect to their unusually strict requirements”, says Mats Sernvik, CEO of Celab Communications AB.

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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