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World Cycling Championships secured by Selex

时间:2014-01-05 12:26来源:Tetra Today 作者:Selex Elsag 点击:
Selex ES, a Finmeccanica Company, has provided the City of Florence with a secure radio network telecommunications based on the TETRA Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) standard to help ensure safety and security at the World Cycling Champions

Selex ES, a Finmeccanica Company, has provided the City of Florence with a secure radio network telecommunications based on the TETRA Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) standard to help ensure safety and security at the World Cycling Championships hosted 22-29 September. The system ensured radio coverage extended to the towns of Fiesole, Sesto Fiorentino, Signa and Campi Bisenzio.

The network designed by Selex ES specifically for the event, comprised an infrastructure to ensure the necessary and optimal radio coverage; operations centre deployed at the headquarters of the Civil Protection of the Province/City of ?Florence (Olmatello), which monitored the network, managed the communication of the working ?groups and locate dusers throughout the event; 140 portable radio terminals in use by operators located across the race course?and an Integrated Mobile Security System (IMSS) designed and built by Selex ES to provide infrastructure support and management of operational activities.

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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