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  • [Technology] Hybrid Cloud Deployment of Networked Crisis CommunicationSol 日期:2015-06-16 00:19:00 点击:1739 好评:2

    Organizations of all types are struggling with a complex set ofpriorities associated with emergency preparedness, response andrecovery in todays volatile environment. There are ever increasingthreats associated with manmade, environmental...

  • [Technology] DMR or TETRA: A Technical Comparison of Coverage 日期:2014-12-01 22:12:00 点击:2013 好评:2

    Every year, many communications systems reach the end of their economic life due to obsolescence, regulatory requirements or because they cannot deliver the business benefits of digital radio. Early in your upgrade process, you need to dec...

  • [Technology] Types of trunked radio systems 日期:2014-11-20 21:55:00 点击:1921 好评:4

    Types of trunked radio systems[edit] TETRA OpenSky System APCO Project 16 APCO Project 25 SmarTrunk TETRAPOL dPMRMode 3 DMRTier III NXDN Kenwood NEXEDGE Digital trunked radio Icom IDAS Digital trunked Land Mobile Radio MultiTrunk.NET, IDAS...

  • [Technology] Wireless Dispatch Solution for Ports and Piers 日期:2014-03-27 22:52:42 点击:1457 好评:2

    Customer Requirements With the rapid growth of the global economy, sea transportation has been playing an increasingly important role in the economic and social development. A busy port necessitates well-organized commands. As the most imp...

  • [Technology] Wireless Broadband Communications Solution for Digital Oilfi 日期:2014-03-24 21:04:09 点击:1715 好评:2

    Customer Requirements Oil is the blood for the development of modern industries. Oilfields are frontlines of oil production, and strategic areas that influence the nations economic development. Therefore, it is urgent to improve the inform...

  • [Technology] Integrated Command and Dispatch System 日期:2014-03-24 20:58:00 点击:1803 好评:2

    Customer Requirements When major events occur or natural disasters break out, the government, military, armed police, public security, transportation, and other rescue departments require rapid and efficient communication to learn the situ...

  • [Technology] Vehicle-Mounted Multimedia Trunking Communications Solution 日期:2014-03-11 21:00:00 点击:2395 好评:2

    Customer Requirements Emergency communication vehicles serve as an extended platform of fixed command centers. They can report onsite situations of incidents quickly to fixed command centers. Emergency communication vehicles can be used to...

  • [Technology] GoTa Urban Railway Transportation Dispatch System Solution 日期:2014-02-21 21:19:00 点击:1925 好评:2

    Boasting fast speed, safety, punctuality, small land use, large carrying capacity, low energy consumption and small pollution, urban railway transportation has been the first choice for the public transportation in all major cities of the...

  • [Technology] Wireless Multimedia Communications Solution for Smart Cities 日期:2014-02-04 21:02:00 点击:1540 好评:2

    Customer Requirements Technology development has driven the evolution of cities from old industry cities to modern information cities. With the rapid development of information nowadays, smart cities, established on integration of communic...

  • [Technology] GoTa Solution for Transportation Industry Applications 日期:2014-02-03 21:18:00 点击:3444 好评:2

    1 Overview To date we can hardly see a possibility for the road construction progress in China to catch up with the skyrocketing growth of vehicles. The transportation industry faces a wide range of rigorous challenges, from traffic conges...
