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  • [News] Sepura announces acquisition of 3T Communications 日期:2013-03-05 21:58:10 点击:1104 好评:0

    In terms of business developments at this year's Tetra World Congress, Sepura’s acquisition of 3T Communications, the Austrian manufacturer of Tetra infrastructure, highlighted a significant shift in strategy for a company historically ass...

  • [News] Adapting LTE for critical users 日期:2013-03-05 21:57:20 点击:2055 好评:0

    A main focus of current activity within the TETRA and Critical Communications Association is its Critical Communications Broadband Group (CCBG), which was formed in March this year....

  • [News] Digital superlatives 日期:2013-03-05 21:57:11 点击:1288 好评:0

    Alun Lewis, David Taylor and Richard Lambley report from Dubai on digital developments under discussion and on display at the 2012 TETRA World Congress...

  • [News] Exploring social media 日期:2013-03-05 21:56:50 点击:1952 好评:0

    Few, at first, recognized any wider value in social media. But now they have grown into a source of real-time information for public safety forces. Alun Lewis investigates...

  • [News] Driven by data 日期:2013-03-05 21:56:35 点击:1569 好评:0

    As high-speed data technologies for ‘critical broadband’ users begin to take shape, Euros Evans examines the potential for delivering enhanced and cost-effective data services for public protection and disaster relief (PPDR) agencies...

  • [News] Officers sharpen their radio skills with e-learning 日期:2013-03-05 21:55:46 点击:1178 好评:0

    Airwave, provider of the national TETRA radio network for public service organizations in Great Britain, has found large potential savings for user bodies through an e-learning package which it trialled last year....

  • [News] A bright future 日期:2013-03-05 21:54:15 点击:1259 好评:0

    At the World Congress, TETRA Today caught up with Tom Quirke, general manager for TETRA at Motorola Solutions, to hear his thoughts on how the industry is developing...

  • [News] A common vision 日期:2013-03-05 21:53:45 点击:1189 好评:0

    TETRA Today talks to Sami Honkaniemi, managing director of the Finnish software developer Mentura Group, about his hopes and fears for the future of TETRA...

  • [News] Interfacing with SDS 日期:2013-03-05 21:53:27 点击:1211 好评:0

    Among a variety of accessories shown by Systel, a radiocommunications engineering company based in Cairo, Egypt, was an alarm interface for TETRA radios. “We’ve got systems for vehicles, banks, warehouses”, explained Mohamed Mahmoud Sobh...

  • [News] Flyaway networks, wideband data 日期:2013-03-05 21:53:00 点击:1670 好评:0

    Among the latest products from the Danish infrastructure manufacturer Damm is its Rapid Deployable TetraFlex (RDT) package, a fully featured, preconfigured mobile TETRA system in a flyaway box. Suggested applications include handling emerge...
