Another major mobile radio user in North America has undertaken testing of a TETRA digital radio system, following the relaxation of US regulations which formerly excluded the European standard from the large North American market....
Mission-critical control centres around the world are facing an increasingly broad set of challenges to their traditional ways of working, finds Alun Lewis....
In today’s increasingly IP-based control rooms, isolating an ICCS is no way to protect it from external threats. David Cohen explains how the world has moved on...
Harnessing LTE technology has emerged as the most promising way of adding broadband capability to the Tetra ecosystem, it emerged at a meeting in Barcelona this month....
Another major mobile radio user in North America has conducted testing of a Tetra digital radio system, following a relaxation of US regulations which formerly excluded the European standard....
Two industry groups in the digital radio field have announced changes of name: the dPMR MoU has become the dPMR Association and the Tetra Association is now the Tetra + Critical Communications Association (TCCA)....
Responsibility for building and operating Norway’s nationwide Tetra network, N?dnett (‘Emergency Network’), is to be transferred at the end of next month from Nokia Siemens Networks to Motorola Solutions....
DMR Digital Mobile Radio was a prominent theme at the recent PMRExpo in Germany, with established manufacturers and newcomers unveiling hardware and product plans at the show....
TETRA is now in 125 countries, and already some 20 per cent of the radios in use are in the Asia region. Tim Guest reports on TETRA’s future (and a little of its recent past) in the East...
It’s not only in Europe and Asia that TETRA has taken root. Richard Lambley visited a steelworks in Brazil to learn how a private network is meeting its complex radio needs...
Mission-critical push-to-talk (MCPTT) functionality is now part of the LTE stand...
The Digital TETRA Radio Trunking System is expected to serve the communication r...
TETRA hasevolved from slow-speed data in its first release and integrates wideba...
Today Samsung gave a live PS-LTE demonstaration. Its eMBMS transport is my desig...
[Shenzhen, China, July 30, 2015] As announced today, German Railways are replaci...
The Department of Home Affairs is seeking to replace the communications system t...