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  • [News] Digital radio energizes big Russian gas supply line 日期:2013-03-05 22:17:55 点击:1464 好评:0

    A TETRA digital radio system is to provide mobile communications support along the Sakhalin–Khabarovsk–Vladivostok pipeline, constructed by the Russian energy company Gazprom to deliver natural gas to China and Russia’s Far East regions....

  • [News] Making waves 日期:2013-03-05 22:17:55 点击:1505 好评:0

    For emergency services and users such as public transport operators who conduct their activities in coastal regions, TETRA is increasingly drifting out to sea. Tim Guest reports...

  • [News] Keeping radio traffic secure 日期:2013-03-05 22:17:40 点击:1470 好评:0

    Alun Lewis looks into the security features of TETRA digital mobile communications technology against the background of political and other developments in the wider world...

  • [News] Celebrating a successful digital year in Russia 日期:2013-03-05 22:17:28 点击:1548 好评:0

    Sepura and its Russian distribution partner RIC-Systems have been celebrating the results of a successful collaboration which they began two years ago to develop the TETRA mobile radio market in Russia....

  • [News] Mission critical 日期:2013-03-05 22:17:22 点击:1924 好评:0

    The TETRA Association has become the TETRA + Critical Communications Association. Phil Godfrey, its chairman, talks to TETRA TODAY about the thinking behind the change of name and his vision of the association’s expanded mission...

  • [News] Adding extra radio resilience to a critical power network 日期:2013-03-05 22:17:13 点击:1466 好评:2

    Motorola Solutions has recently upgraded and expanded TETRA networks in two major German cities for the power company Vattenfall Europe Distribution....

  • [News] A commitment to TETRA 日期:2013-03-05 22:17:00 点击:1332 好评:0

    “It’s a really good, exciting time in TETRA”, said Tom Quirke, General Manager of Motorola Solutions’ Global TETRA product & solutions organization, speaking at PMRExpo....

  • [News] Dutch police roll with Sepura 日期:2013-03-05 22:16:28 点击:1868 好评:0

    Motorcycle police in the Twente region, which includes three cities in the eastern part of the Netherlands, have been equipped with TETRA radios by Sepura, in association with its local partner Abiom....

  • [News] Why public safety forces want new technology 日期:2013-03-05 22:16:18 点击:1919 好评:0

    Despite shrinking budgets, public safety organizations in the EMEA region are increasingly interested in making use of next-generation mobile broadband and mission-critical TETRA networks during the next five years....

  • [News] Radios unboxed at container hub 日期:2013-03-05 22:15:46 点击:1674 好评:0

    A TETRA system has been ordered by the seaport operator European Container Terminals (ECT) to serve its container terminals in the Port of Rotterdam....
