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  • [News] Making a tunnel site safer for its workers 日期:2013-03-06 20:45:20 点击:1328 好评:4

    In the construction of a road tunnel project in Stockholm, workers’ safety underground has been buttressed by an RFID access control system together with emergency alarms linked to Tetra radios....

  • [News] Competition, innovation and interoperability 日期:2013-03-06 20:45:09 点击:2044 好评:4

    Jeppe Jepsen highlights the many benefits of the robust mobile radio communications platform defined by the TETRA standard...

  • [News] In control of the action on Korea’s new race circuit 日期:2013-03-06 20:44:57 点击:1680 好评:0

    When Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso crossed the finish line to take the lead in the Formula 1 Drivers’ Championship at October’s inaugural Korean Grand Prix, TETRA technology was at work behind the scenes, enabling the organisers to remain in...

  • [News] Local authorities subscribe to digital efficiencies 日期:2013-03-06 20:44:49 点击:1238 好评:2

    Not only the ‘blue light’ emergency services are benefiting from the Airwave mobile radio network in the UK. Increasingly, local authorities are using the service too, Airwave reports....

  • [News] Enhancing fire safety in Denmark 日期:2013-03-06 20:44:40 点击:1246 好评:2

    Motorola has won a tender to supply a diverse and extensive portfolio of Tetra digital radio terminals and services to 1500 fire officers across 19 of southern Denmark’s 22 municipalities....

  • [News] Interfacing systems for border security 日期:2013-03-06 20:44:33 点击:1187 好评:0

    After several years of development and a rigorous testing programme carried out by Cassidian and the Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior, fully-certified interoperability has become a reality between two TETRA systems in Romani...

  • [News] Interfacing on demand 日期:2013-03-06 20:44:07 点击:1724 好评:0

    Freedom to interconnect their TETRA networks via an common open interface would allow users a real choice of suppliers, argues David Taylor, of infrastructure supplier Rohill...

  • [News] Protecting the world’s leaders at the G-20 日期:2013-03-06 20:43:53 点击:1219 好评:0

    As South Korea made ready to host last November’s summit meeting of the G-20 group of world leaders, to be held in Asia for the first time, Incheon Metropolitan Police Authority upgraded its TETRA network to meet the challenge. Peter Clemo...

  • [News] Rapid transit 日期:2013-03-06 20:43:26 点击:1306 好评:0

    TETRA digital networks have become the natural choice for almost all new mobile radio installations in urban light rail and metro systems. Alun Lewis examines the reasons...

  • [News] Dispelling digital myths 日期:2013-03-06 20:43:15 点击:1875 好评:0

    A second demonstration system, this time in Wisconsin, is blazing a path for TETRA in the US. Steve Nielson, of network operator Nielson Communications, sets the scene...
