


美军特种部队新款对讲机Tadiran SDR-7200HH

时间:2016-07-11 来源:业余无线电 作者:BG5WKP 朱轶 编译 点击:

新品推介军品丨对讲机Tadiran SDR-7200HH横空出世
The Tadiran SDR-7200HH is specifically designed for dismounted soldiers, providing them with voice and data communications together with command and control (C2) applications from a variety of sensors.

Tadiran sdr - 7200 hh是专门为美国士兵使用的对讲机装备,该产品通过各种传感器的应用给士兵提供语音和数据整合通信与指挥控制(C2)。

Offering real-time situational awareness on-the-move, multi hop ad-hoc networking and advanced routing of hundreds of users in a network, the system is ideally suited for the platoon level, containing both narrowband (NBWF) and wideband (WBWF) high-performance waveforms, enabling an extremely broad spectrum and high-speed data rate of up to 115 Kbps in 25 kHz channel (V/UHF) and up to 1 Mbps (UHF).

该产品提供实时态势感知移动、多跳自组网和先进的数百个用户路由网络,该系统适合一个排的士兵使用,产品包含宽带和窄带(NBWF)(WBWF)高性能波形,应用及其广泛,高速数据率高达115 Kbps 25 kHz(V / UHF)和1 Mbps(UHF)。

The system specializes in providing seamless communication, situational awareness, unprecedented immunity (ECCM) and communication security (COMSEC) to various combat echelons, Special Forces and ad-hoc teams.


Its distinctive automatic routing and relay capability dramatically extends its reach even over harsh field conditions, while mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET) provides continuous IP networking connectivity throughout any mission.


The versatile Tadiran SDR-7200HH combines voice capability with advanced video streaming on the same network channel simultaneously. The video camera, connected directly to the radio and the radio’s 2.8″ built-in high-resolution colour display, enables the video stream transmission and reception with no need for an external device. This capability, coupled with its record and playback ability, is a key factor in maintaining constant situational awareness via real-time intelligence such as maps, video and targeting information. The Tadiran SDR-7200HH’s multimedia information can be automatically updated on the C4I system.

多功能Tadiran sdr - 7200 hh结合了语音功能和同时在同一个网络通道内的先进的流媒体视频播放。摄像机可以直接连接到对讲机,对讲机有2.8”内置高分辨率彩色显示器,使视频流传输和接收不需要借助外部设备。整合上其记录和回放的能力是该产品能保持恒定的态势感知是一个关键因素,士兵可以通过实时情报,如地图、视频和目标信息来进行判断。Tadiran sdr - 7200 hh多媒体信息可以自动更新的C4I系统。

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:李俊勇)


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